RG1602 With I2C LCD Display Module 16x2 (Green)

The I2C is a type of serial bus , which uses two bidirectional lines, called SDA (Serial Data Line) and SCL (Serial Clock Line). Both must be connected via pulled-up resistors. The usage voltages are standard as 5V and 3.3V.

If you already have the I2C adapter soldered onto the board, the wiring is quite easy. You should usually have only four pins to hook up. VCC and GND of course. The LCD display works with 5 Volts. So we go for the 5V Pin.

The I2C is a type of serial bus , which uses two bidirectional lines, called SDA (Serial Data Line) and SCL (Serial Clock Line). Both must be connected via pulled-up resistors. The usage voltages are standard as 5V and 3.3V.

If you already have the I2C adapter soldered onto the board, the wiring is quite easy. You should usually have only four pins to hook up. VCC and GND of course. The LCD display works with 5 Volts. So we go for the 5V Pin.


  • Colour: Display dot: BLACK

                   Background: GREEN

  • Display Format: 16 (characters) ×2 (line)
  • * IC: ST7066        ST7065
  • Interface Input Data: 8 Bits
  • Driving Method: 1/16 Duty, 1/5 Bias
  • Viewing Direction           : 6 O’clock
  • Backlight: LED (WHITE)