RG1604 Display 16*4 (GREEN)

A 16x4 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) means it can display 16 characters per line and there are 4 such lines.

This is a popular 16x4 LCD with Green Backlight. It is based on the SPLC780 or S6A0069 display controller which makes it is easy to interface this display with most microcontrollers in a wide range of applications.. Its extreme popularity ensures that no matter which micro controller platform you are using, you will definitely find ready libraries to use this LCD.

           It works on 5v and has a blue backlight which can be switched on and off as desired. The contrast of the screen can also be controlled by varying the voltage at the contrast control pin (pin 15).

  • The 1604 uses a standard 16-pin interface
  • Dimensions: 87 x 60 x 13 mm
  • Display area: 62 x 27.1 mm